Note to self: Must change from glasses to contacts so that I can rock sunglasses like you do in these pix! What a great fashion accessory.

The pink outfit is beyond outstanding! And I love the red lip in outfit 3. I'll have to try that sometime--simple, high-contrast outfit with red lip.

As for the sweater, I slightly prefer it semitucked. both seem to be fine with regard to proportions, but I think the semitucked version looks slightly more interesting because the tuck is at an angle, which is a little unexpected.

You wear skirts like nobody's business! And I love the pants looks, too. The "pink pile-on" is genius. The new angora sweater is gorgeous on you. I like it both ways with the skirt, with maybe a slight preference today for untucked. (Who knows what I'd say tomorrow.) Thanks for the WIW treat!

Yes this is a WIW treat, I love each and every outfit. You shoes add an extra punch to each look.

A fabulous style week! The shoes are the star performers. I'm stealing them all plus the gorgeous hectic skirt that I want to pair with a striped top for maximal fun!

Ooh AJ - you are right, a striped top would be interesting with that skirt. I don't have any stripes at the moment but now I'm thinking....

krishnadoux - I have worn that midi skirt with printed shirts before and some other colors, but it's time to experiment some more, good idea.

thank you everyone

Stunning colour story here. I'm taking notes.

Dang these are all fantastic! Loving #1 especially with the red lace up flats and fun printed skirt. #4 too with the soft cozy sweater that matches the skirt so nicely. And the shoes in #3 are so fab. You have such a great shoe collection!

Oh Rabbit! You are such an inspiration to me lately. The range of your style and your ability to put together such complete head -to-toe looks are really enviable. You have an amazing spring footwear collection and you know exactly how to show each pair to its best effect. Plus, you look beautiful with your haircut and those aviators. So so stylish and so classic - when you go super trendy they help ground the look somehow.

I love all of these looks! It's really hard to play favorites. Like texstyle I am a denim lover so my heart did skip a beat at the last images: that outfit with its perfectly fitting BF jeans is made spectacular by the boots and bag. I really want you to come dress me sometime.

Aw viva, I'm blushing. I'd happily pick out outfits for you in your great closet! Your pants/jeans game is particularly inspiring and is motivating me to venture out of safety zones. Also you were one of my inspirations for trying layering to showcase the white collar of shirts - you do that so well.

Thanks guys!

So pretty . I just love these outfits . The colors are so beautiful .
Particular loving the skirt and the link outfit . But also the simplicity of the denim skirt . Fab.

You are just one cool lady. Love the pink jacket and boots on the last photo.