What a great idea, Sveta - you are resourceful and inspiring. Plus you have such varies and versatile pieces in your wardrobe.
#1 Gorgeous - looks so current that it's hard to believe all the individual pieces are several years old. Lovely soft colours.
#2 The full tuck may have felt strange, but it looks great. I cover your (and Suz's) skirt.
#3 How lovely to echo what you remember your mother wearing! Good plan to lighten up by adding the necklace.
#4 Well, the outfit with the dark wash jeans was optimal, but this is fab too, especially for Spring. I love the diagonal stitching panels on your sweater.
#5 I rather love this Wild Card outfit - I'm a sucker for wide legged drapey trousers, and you carry them off SO well. I love how the strong, simple shape of the square neckline and front edge of your waistcoast is outlined so clearly against your black turtleneck. I think if you had tucked the turtleneck, you would have lost the full "outlining" effect which, when untucked, continues along the bottom hemlines of waistcoat and turtleneck. (Not sure I'm making sense!).
I like the red cape with the drapey trousers - you needed something to match the luxurious/glamorous vibe of the trousers, and I think your red cape fits the bill.