The light has not been good lately for photos. Here are a few of recent outfits.
1/2: what I'm wearing today inspired by one of Shannon's burgundy pant outfits with grey EF sweater. Mine is made up of H&M burgundy jeans and a 360 cashmere sweater from last year's NAS. The second photo is to show its assymetry. I'm wearing this today with Bare Trap booties.
3: inspired by Angie's wide trouser posts, these are an old pair of Target grey trousers, Nic&Zoe long cardi over a BR denim shirt, Born shooties, Target bag.
4/5: the photos don't show the dark colors well. Classiques Entiere fine tweedish pencil skirt in black and chocolate, Calson leather jacket from my first NAS, chocolate EF silk long sleeved tee, Me Too flats, Elliot Lucca clutch
6: New find is the cream moto jacket from Wilson's Leather outlet, consignment DVF silk skirt. Worn to church yesterday. The skirt is pull on and a bit big in the waist (rare for me!) I can wear it lower on the hip to make it longer or pull it up shorter and would like your thoughts about length on me. vThis jacket was only $29 on sale and I think I'll get lots of wear out of it. Shannon, I went in to buy leather protector and did get that too. I hope Wilson's may turn out to be my version of your Danier. Has anyone had experience with their quality?
6: bonus pet photo. Mags has bed head hair.
I welcome your opinions and suggestions.
ETA: photos 8/9 are facing the window as Amy suggested. You see the co.or better, especially in #9.
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