Hi folks, I've been really swamped at work which has limited my participation here, but I'm coming up for a bit of air now and that has me itching to get a little more creative in my closet.

This week I'm setting myself a "reality playtime" challenge to put together an outfit inspired by a different image from my Pinterest boards each day. This is also heavily influenced by Alyssa Beltempo's Pinterest inspiration videos; I really like the way she doesn't try to copy outfits exactly but just uses them as a starting point and often veers off in a very different direction based on what happens to be in her closet.

So, we'll see if I can actually stick to this but here's day 1's outfit. 

What stuck out to me about the inspiration image:
-I really like the silhouette here -- relaxed, comfortable, but not sloppy
-straight-leg jeans
-big chunky pullover sweater over top
-chunky loafers
-value contrast: sweater and shoes are dark; jeans are light. So with light hair it alternates light, dark, light, dark.
-tote bag

My version:
-I've got the silhouette here pretty well!
-I usually wear this tunic-length sweater with ponte leggings or skirt leggings, but I really like it with the jeans. Glad to have a new way to wear this.
-I am constantly pinning outfits with big sweaters and bare ankles, but the fact is that's not practical for my individual thermostat. If it's cold enough for a big sweater it's too cold for bare feet/ankles, even at home. So, socks.
-This would be a great FFBO, would definitely wear again.

Thanks for looking, and grateful for any observations or suggestions you would like to share!

Photos TK!

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