Not much new to show these days, but the Christmas sale shoes got their first 2 outings recently for 2 parties. One was a house warming lunch party for DH’s sister and husband who have left our big city for a smaller city 2 hours north (Whangarei, for any Kiwi Fabbers). The other was for granddaughter’s 3rd birthday party last weekend. I wore the same outfit for both. I love the shoes and she does too, trots around my house wearing them all the time
The dress cost $5 in 2015! A closing down sale in Melbourne, Australia that we happened upon.
I hope to keep these shoes at least a decade even if pointy shoes go out of fashion again. I adore them!
Pics 1-3 party outfit
Pic 4 back of 3-year-old head wearing her favourite colour dress “I like pink”.
Pics 5-6 2nd clothing item for this year, a forest green cropped cardigan from Max. Traceable merino. Worn with fave olive snakeskin pants, and olive boots. Winter here still.
Thanks for looking.

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