After a miserable summer we have had a lovely autumn and I have been enjoying a few activities. With my son leaving home I have been trying to be as busy as possible!!

Here are 12 recent looks from the most casual walking outfit to a couple of slightly more dressy ones.

I added two new lilac/lavender merino tops in different shades. And a friend gave me the blush sweatshirt in a swap! I am definitely set for casual tops now.

1. Off to the beach for the weekend.
2. Walking look a la Princess Diana
3. Casual weekend - trying out the weekend formula of orchid and rust and black.
4. Off to work. Felt like a tech start up look.
5. Off to have drinks with a friend.
6. We have an international wildlife photography exhibition in town - I went to see it- so brilliant!
7. Dinner out with friends - it was a rush and I don’t know about the colours but just went with it.
8. Dinner with neighbours. Loving wearing my coat again.
9, Work look - I didn’t rate this one at all. It felt a bit dated- boots and jeans might not be the best combo.
10. Quick change from 9 and out again. I liked this better.
11-12 two work looks with the red leather jacket. It took me five years and I have finally worked out how to wear this to feel like me. But I did put my Mac Ruby Woo in my pocket and washed it with the jeans. No lipstick left but luckily minimal damage done. I don’t recommend this!!

I plan to take a shopping pause for the next month- probably til after our trip. I bought a black tuxedo blazer second hand that needs new buttons and aside from footwear for my trip- I feel sorted.

Thanks for looking!

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