Generally: These are one of my two favorite pair of jeans right now, glad to hear you all concur. And it's nice to hear that I'm mostly on track with colors for myself; that's one area I feel like I have a good handle on: knowing what colors look good on me.
Oh, Staysfit! This one is going to take a lot of patience! It's in very very skinny laceweight on tiny needles, besides being long and in a large size. I've swatched, but the next step is to calculate stitch counts based on that and my base pattern. I've knit lots of major projects, though; I've usually motored through, unless I hit a snag. I hope you get yours finished and can wear it, too!
Thanks, greycat6 and Maneera!
Angie, yeah, I'm not thrilled with the fit of this cardi, but then again, fashion has shifted toward a much more loose fit in the years since this was produced, hasn't it? This soft brown color is a very comfortable color for me to wear. I still have trouble thinking of my hair as brown, but apparently that's what it is these days. Maybe that's why I'm so cozy in that color, though. Maisie has a cute face, too; I'll try to get a new photo to share soon.
Jenn, I know what you mean about the arms. I ignore that one successfully most of the time (it's not like there aren't other problem areas for me to obsess over), but it's not like I love how my upper arms look.