With only a few days left of our European vacation, I find myself on a train from Köln to Paris with several hours to kill. Seems like as good a time as any to share how my travel capsule has treated me.

I’ve worn everything I brought with me at least twice, with three exceptions:

1. My swimsuit—we did a spa day in Baden-Baden, but the spa was textile-free, so no need for a suit. When we were in the other location with pool/spa facilities, we kept ourselves confined due to Covid. (You’ll see lots of masks in these photos, as we masked religiously until after day 10 and managed to keep kiddo Covid-free, a minor miracle).

2 and 3. my velvet scarf and silk bandana—I thought these might be useful to change up the look of various outfits, but it turns out I just don’t care about the repetition. The bandana still might get wear in Paris. We’ll see.

I have definitely not been cold. In fact, I kind of wish I hadn’t brought my lined trench coat and just packed a lightweight poncho for rain. We’ve done laundry about once a week, sometimes a full load at a laundromat and other times just intimates in the hotel sink.

I don’t have pics off my husband’s phone yet, so #1-6 are the few full-length photos I’ve managed along the way.

No fashion purchases for me, but kiddo has been loving the secondhand shops. #7 and 8 are two of his purchases: a brown velvet jacket with elfin flair from Antwerp and a vest from Munich—no lederhosen, though!

ETA: a couple more pics. I really loved my new Solgaard suitcase. Instead of using compression cubes, it has a built in system that can be pulled out of the suitcase and hung up as shelves. It made it so easy to stay organized through many stops!

I’ll post some other favorite trip pics in off topic when I’ve had some time to edit. I’ve been taking street style photos here and there along the way as well!

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