Thank you Sally, yes she is with the same organisation. It is Trudy Van Zyl the NZ Director I am thinking of contacting. Will tell the forum if I do!

That’s such a pretty outfit, Sal - and I’m wishing you a belated (but sincere) happy birthday…

Thanks Carla! It’s been an extended birthday season with three celebrations with one more to go….

Happy Birthday Sal! I’m glad you feel good about your color season results. Clear, warm, some contrast, nice! The dress looks perfect and it’s great that you naturally drifted towards your best colors and already have many of them in your wardrobe.

As you may know, my personal experience with seasonal color typing has been endlessly confusing. I have been typed as a Spring, Summer, Autumn, Soft Autumn and Light Summer. I suppose I’m definitely not a winter!

My last in person color analysis placed me into the light summer color season, but it was a very close call between light spring and light summer. I am apparently very neutral…eyes, skin and maybe even my hair. My skin is a pale olive and leans a tiny bit warm however the warmest of warms makes me look sallow and brings out the redness of my rosacea. At the in person typing, the cool colors had a very slight edge over the warm. I have since learned that people who are light/fair can more easily wear both warm and cool colors, especially in the winter months when skin is most pale. I find this is true for me. I generally do best with the midrange to light colors in my light summer swatch palette. I have a light spring palette from which I can wear all but the warmest tones. Yellows, oranges, pinks and reds are the hardest colors for me to wear. I match pinks and reds with my lips, gums, and/or cheeks when I blush. In terms of depth of color, I find anything darker than the teal ring around my iris feels heavy.

I have found it tricky to find clothes that fall into my color palette that also fits my personal sense of style. I do best sticking with a narrow range of neutrals and adding colors when they are right.

Thanks Staysfit! I think that Colour Analysis is not a pure science - and some people don’t fit neatly into a category. I agree you are light and probably that’s more important than the undertone.

I do think that it can make it harder and easier to shop - I think at the moment autumn colours are more prevalent here.