Omg the cuteness overload ... Lovely in every way Kelly xoxox

ya'll have some adorable fur babies

What a great story! Oreo is blessed to be a part of your family.
Here are some pics of Cosmo and Callie - they are real brother and sister (same parents, different litters). They go everywhere with us - hiking, kayaking, they are adventure dogs!

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I enjoy your photos with Oreo in a bitter sweet way. Our Mags is getting old and has high blood pressure and kidney issues. She is to see a super-vet in Boulder later this week but I doubt much more can be done at her age (15), but I doubt we will get another dog which is sad. We are not planning any trip as she is too old to survive a kennel for us to be able to travel.

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You know, I envy you sooo much for 2 things:
1 you have a dog
2 you live near the beach.
Oreo is a lucky doggie and this thread is a delight to look at.

You both look beautiful.