Hello everybody! Salon appointment today! The mask mandate officially ended for all but one Bay Area, CA, county… and absolutely NO ONE dispensing with masks. Vaccination cards being required at more places to boot. I forgot to download my updated digital vaccine passport to show my booster, but easily solved in seconds.

In any case, new hair: I went shorter, for a ‘French bob.’ I asked for neon yellow and neon green. I received a pastel-y green bordering on teal. Lol. But that’s ok. I tell my hair girl to do what she wants within the vague parameters - I think the opportunity to experiment freely has allowed her to expand her skills. She can do a curly cut on me now.

New dress in my runner-up colour of the year choice: ticking stripes. Bought untried from Target buying a water bottle, Diet Coke and potato chips

… Oh drat! And once again I forgot a snap of Lilypup, faithful companion in fashion pursuits.