I’m really conflicted about this type of post and don’t know how to respond - so clearly I shouldn’t . But this isn’t about style or fashion , it’s getting into dangerous areas and discussions about things I’m certainly not professionally equipped to handle , and I’m sure others aren’t either . I understand support for mental and physical health issues for those who wish to share , but I’m not sure what’s going on here. I guess I’m confused because I don’t have any idea how old you are , where you live ( what is the cultural norm etc) - things that make it easier to respond to those in need . These are big issues , and I don’t mean to dismiss or ignore , but something seems amiss . I work in the medical fitness field and am pretty attuned to women’s health and fitness issues . I’m curious what drew you to a fashion and style forum as most of the discussions here are shopping and style related . Are the two photos you’ve posted both of you at the same party ? ( as in , both are current ??) I’m sorry if I sound rude , I suppose I likely do . I worry I’m either misunderstanding or seeing an issue that doesn’t exist .