I’ve settled on Airy Modern Ease as my style moniker, and I think the ‘Modern’ might be doing the work of ‘trendy’! I’ve found there has to be something contemporary or avant-garde in my total look- it’s often in the cut. Anything too classic doesn’t work. Below are some items that I’ve been wearing a lot (winter here!).

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Irina your style is a delight and an inspiration, and definitely not boring nor completely classic. I see what I think of as a strong Japanese influence in the silhouettes and admire your ability to find just the right pieces at mass market retailers to pull it off. I am not sure if I would think of it as trendy off hand, because you are so particular about the trends you choose to incorporate. As for me, I know what I like and have decided opinions, which I think is ultimately what personal style is all about. Not sure if I have a perfect descriptor though - contrasted, unexpected treasure hunter perhaps !

Love your style too- modern minimalist with an ease to it. I see the gentle influence of trends - I think most of us bend with the trends….. I do too!

Agree your bags and shoe choices are spot on!

Irina, you have a signature style that is unique to you. I love how you incorporate playful and edgy elements in a sophisticated way. How you achieve that is inspirational to me. The new Bao Bao is beautiful, I hope you get many years of enjoyment from it.

The dress in #6 is amazing to me, love it with the fun Maison Kitsune bag!

I feel comfortable that I know my style - my style moniker is Playful Glam. The Annie Leibovitz Vogue Editorial on Alice in Wonderland from 2003 is my fantasy way of dressing, 20 years later, it still looks fresh. With Natalia Vodianova's beauty and iconic designers, it is a piece of Vogue magic. My reality is far from this, but it is always fun to dream!

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Chiara, thank you for sharing.

Jaime, thanks! I think that despite global retail chains, some trends are more locally popular. In Toronto, for example, fabric bags have been very everywhere for a few years. I like this trend - it’s practical and not too expensive to add a bit of interest to an outfit. I bought two from Maison Kitsune in my basic black and cream this year.
Sal, thanks! I’m learning to accessorize with bags. I started recently, bought one in 2018 and 0 in 2019. I’ve got 3 already this year
Bijou, thanks! And I appreciate you sharing your inspirational photos. They are divine! I’ve been a big fan of Annie Leibovitz photography for years!

I love your style! Always so simple but never boring. I think you have it down very well.

I am trying to figure out my style. I know what I like but I don't know what I like ON ME. Big difference.

Oh, my! It struck me the same way about edgy now that you have broken it to pieces...and I think CURRENT MINIMAL cannot be done better that you did here-and know aspire to further do!! Really, a treat to my eyes and....SOUL! Thanx for sharing not only the particular outfits but the thinking behind them, too.
I for myself don't have such a strong feel for my style. I pick up what feels and looks great for my actual life (including daily office) but in a much more casual way than before (still sans the blue jeas) -and/BUT it have to be practical and comfy, too. That's a mish mash of older classic clothes(which I keep forever, if they fit well!) and newer ones I am buying now in a much more minimal style, too. I wish I could be that organised as you are. I wish I could have better buying options for my size, which is on the upper range of the regular, and doesn't always fit so well on my curves...oh, well!:-)

Irina, I LOVE your style, I LOVE your attitude towards style and fashion, and I LOVE your wardrobe. You are definitely a big inspiration for me so thank you for that!

"I’m minimal to a degree that I don’t like to call my OOTD an outfit."

This is such a good articulation of something I've felt for years but couldn't summarize so neatly. Once I add the element that really makes it an outfit, sometimes that's just a bit too much for me. I am quite happy just wearing clothes if that makes sense haha. (but admire 'outfits' on others!)