I have had three kids and my belly can be your twin ! You look fab in your bright outfit and the guy that said that to you needs some social skills training !

There's an essay going around Facebook right now that says "the perfect bikini body is your body." Your outfit looks great on you. Shame on the coworker for asking that question, BTW.

I know it isn't funny, but they way you wrote this made me laugh. I think you look great, don't let ignorant people make you feel bad.

Natalie you look fab as always! People just don't know any better sometimes, eh? I'm glad you ate your dinner -- you've got three lovely little kiddos who need their strong mama! As a captain of Team Orange I totally adore your skirt. I like both shoes with the outfit but prefer the loafers because it has a more easy-breezy nonchalant sort of vibe to it compared to the heeled sandals. Do you have any taupe jackets? I think the same outfit with the sandals and swapped to taupe jacket would be just as fabulous looking.

Thank you for taking a stand against gun violence and for making orange look gorgeous.

I went to a baby shower and someone asked me if I was pregnant - I told them I'm the opposite of pregnant!

Anyway you look marvelous and people are idiots.

Natalie, you have always been one of my style inspirations, and you still are. People are idiots, and I have ALWAYS agreed that no one should ever ask if a woman is pregnant unless they see a baby crowning! I have been asked the same question enough times to just shake my head. I was once asked if I was pregnant when I was a teenaged size 2 wearing a trapeze top! My only consolation now is that if I let the grey overtake the front of my hair, no one will ask anymore!

I think your outfit is fab, and I applaud you taking a stance against gun violence!

*Sigh*. You look great, and I can't believe this guy.

Oh my gosh, I think you look divine in this outfit, and I see no evidence of any "food baby"! I suspect that your clueless colleague was reacting to the (fashionable) looseness of the orange top, not your body. And kudos to you for taking a public stand against the insanity of gun violence and availability in our country. Have you seen Katie Couric's documentary on the subject? Excellent, I thought. Please wear this outfit again--it's too good to leave at home!

You look fabulous...I love the colours and the outfit looks great on you. I don't know know why people ask this? I have always had a stomach that poked out...I'm just built that way and now I've had a c section..I have a little flap...sorry probably too much information ..but why do people expect women to have flat tummies and why do they comment?

Firstly awesome outfit. The orange is fantastic on you.
Secondly.. Ugh! I so wish people wouldn't ask that question. it is potentially very rude and I think there is also something more there about societal expectations of women . Must be beautiful and always have a flat belly unless you are pregnant.
And lastly. Kudos to you for posting the last pic. Inspiring.

Gah, this is a great outfit, I haev my version of this one, with a shorter skirt-but I can so relate...Am 48, and I've got the same comment from my FIL this weekend:-( ...but seems rather right as I do not only have a food baby but unfortunately sometimes a really bad posture (and he has Alzheimers), too...