Hey y'all!!!! You are SO going to get a kick out of this copycat. I found this blog Pinterest Told Me To after it was recommended on my mommy board. O.M.G.!!!! This lady Sheaffer is a RIOT. She is like a modern day Valley Girl. Totally AWESOME!!! Her plot reviews of the Bachelor (Hola, Huhwahan Pablo!) are like sneaking into a tub of chocolate coconut ice cream at midnight (BTW, these mocha almond dark chocolate dipped bars are to die for! Don't blame me. You're welcome.). I found myself LOL'ing, and I don't even watch this show! Can you say GUILTY PLEASURE???
And I couldn't help copying her and running right out to buy one of her entire MUST HAVE outfits. Yep, that's right. Ev. Ur. E. Thing. The whole enchilada. I'm such a total LEMMING. But it's not my fault! Sheaffer told me to!
SO without any more ado, here is the Blardigan! (I see that we've even discussed it here at YLF before!) I normally hate those Brangelina smoosh words like swacket and jeggings too, but this one is so fun to say (sorry IK!). Blardigan. Part blanket, part cardigan. It is sooo soft and cozy. I have been wearing this Every.Single.Night as a comfy lounge robe. For Weeks On End. I only washed it when DS1 climbed into my bed in the middle of the night and then threw up on me. Occupational hazards of being a mom, right ladies? But sorry to disappoint y'all, I am SO NOT showing it styled like the Nordie's catalog pic (#6)! Except maybe on Valentine's Day for DH.
I could not resist a matchy matchy Pinterest copycat (#1) and copied her HEAD.TO.TOE with the black blouse, cognac boots, and ripped jeans. Because I roll that way. You know I love doing blogger copycats and you know I have been prone to ripping off entire outfits from the catalog before. So here it is, folks. Ha! I managed to wear a Snuggie out of the house and get away with it! Comfy MOTG style. Matchy Matchy me even tried to copy her pose and peppy smile (my dimples are no match for hers), but after a while I just couldn't do it anymore--my cheeks hurt (#3)! And oops, excuse the diapers in the background. I guess that's why I couldn't do a real fashion blog. At least they're clean!
You can find the Barefoot Dreams chic lite wrap HERE.
And the original Pinterest Told Me To post about the blardigan HERE.
She names the blardigan a MUST HAVE HERE.
And here's the must have Pleione mixed media shirt, must have Vigoss ripped skinny jeans, and must have Miz Mooz cognac wedge boots too (40% off folks! This won't last long! And it fits skinny calf me--score!)
I don't have the same pendant as she does, but THIS lucite Alexis Bittar pendant (#4) is a great substitute.
So there you have it, y'all. Hope you enjoyed me channelling Sheaffer from PTMT. SUUUUPEERRR FUNNN!!!!! Now back to our regular programming!
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