I was smitten with Angie's fuzzy sweater in this post:
but the first two sweaters I tried didn't work--one was too cropped and the other too baggy.
So I ordered this one instead.
It's not photographing very well in this pics--the color is more like in #3, like pink grapefruit. (Instead of a fuzzy navel, it's a fuzzy grapefruit, get it? Haha)
Since I'm mostly going to be wearing it as a casual sweater with jeans, I thought I'd go for a longer sweater so that I didn't have to tug it down all the time or expose my belly. But I was a little self conscious that maybe I look like I'm wearing a bath mat, so I put a white jacket on top. But then it looked funny with the sweater untucked, so I tucked it all in, and wore silver accessories (belt, bag, shoes). I wore it to take the kids swimming and to a birthday party at a bouncy house place, and then to visit their cousins for dinner.
I know it doesn't look as sleek and stylish as Angie's outfit and the pics are making my gut look a bit tubby and my hips look huge. Sigh. DH had to work, but he laughed when he came home and saw me and said I reminded him of a Muppet. Yes, I know it looks a bit ridiculous, but it was only $24 so I can have fun with it a few times and not feel bad about ditching it when it goes out of style. Bonus, the kids love to pet and hug me when I'm wearing it! DS1 said I'm warm and cozy.
Thanks for looking and commenting!
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