February has been a mixed month here - some nice events, a bout of COVID, my son departing to a new university down South, and some work pressures.

Pic 1 - two work outfits, one for a presentation and one for a casual very hot day in the office. I enjoyed the first, the second I am less sure about but I liked the colours.

Pic 2 - a night out at the arts festival hearing beautiful music, and a night celebrating a birthday. The dress is a hot summer go to- it’s not quite a workhorse but seems to get five or six wears each summer.

Pic 3 - the newly redyed jumpsuit worn for Sunday errands and an all black outfit for an awards night celebration. It was a very quick turnaround to get there and this was a low key outfit but showing I made some effort. I was not getting an award but attending as a voluntary sports board chair.

March is typically a lovely month here with cooler nights and warm days- definitely more sleeves and light layers.

My only addition this month was a pair of leggings for yoga. I tried but didn’t succeed with sneakers - and not currently feeling tempted or even browsing. That will change at some stage no doubt!

A photo from the concert and some fireworks locally.

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