Just a quick post to share a couple of WIWs.

1-5 First was Thanksgiving day — we hosted and cooked everything for the first time in several years! Just a small gathering but so relaxed and lovely. After dinner we gathered around the fire pit (brought here after we sold the ranch), nice to have a little bit of TX with us.

6-10 Second outfit was for the day after Thanksgiving — one of my high school friends is visiting from CA so we had lunch together. First time I’d seen her in person in 10 years! I popped into the mall near where we had lunch but didn’t buy anything because the crowds kinda drove me away. I did eye this silver bag as a possible replacement for my very old silver clutch that has never been big enough for an iPhone, much less eyeglass case. This one at Nordstrom fit the bill. Bonus pics of the lights at the entrance to our neighborhood and the moon and lights at the mall entrance. Another lovely day!

Hope all who celebrate had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

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