After reading Aida's WIW on no denim week I realized that I had "almost" no denim week too and not by design. Out of the whole week I wore jeans once - today and if my 2 pairs of trousers were not in the wash - who knows, it may have been the whole week...
Day 1
This is my new BB shirt I complained about yesterday. It is very fitted and does not need any taking in in the bust and back which is a rare occurrence for me.
Trousers -Express from Chicago meet (fitted on me by Angie!)
BB fine stripe shirt
Black sleeveless AT top worn as a vest
Gibson grey knit riding jacket from Nordstrom
Nude Fidjis
Sparkly spider pendant - gift from Russia
Day 2
I don't remember why I decided to wear this dress this day - maybe wanted to give it a few more outings before it is too warm for it?
Striped mod dress - my mom
Emerald green shirt - Winners
Hue wide waistband leggings (insanely comfortable!)
Born teal ballet flats from Nordstrom
Day 3
Another outing of my new BB shirt and a debut of my new midi skirt I consigned a couple of weeks ago. My mom told me that the whole outfit reminded her of a fashion from her youth (late 50s - early 60s) and because she wore that then it feels old fashioned to her. Well, I was not around yet at that time so it is fresh enough for me I think I am really coming around to flared skirts because I quite liked this outfit.
Skirt - Spanner via consignment
BB shirt
Danier brown leather blazer
Red patent pumps - Me Too
Grey diamond pattern hose from The Bay
What I am not sure about is this weathered belt with this outfit. I wanted to ground this pretty lady-like look with something unexpected - do you think it is out of place here?
Day 4
I am on a midi roll! It cooled down this day so I wanted to wear my new animal print booties and I wanted to pair them with midi skirt for a long time.
Donna Morgan cranberry dress from Nordstrom
Navy and white striped scarf - Winners
Davide Tate animal booties
Patterned nude Hue hose
Danier leather jacket for outdoors
Day 5
This is where I have broken my unintentional non-denim streak.
Paige Canyon Flares from N.Rack
Emerald green riding jacket - my mom
White and black striped sweater - Winners
Trotters metallic grey tweed-like low wedges
Here was my week - any suggestions and comments are very welcome!
Have a great weekend and a happy Mother's Day!
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