
A go to outfit combination for me this summer has been Life is Good graphic tee's and fun colored sneakers.

1. and 2. Lots of Blue
A lot of my outfits have blue in them, because I am a member of team blue! These Caslon Utility Cotton Joggers are from last year, but there is a similar version from this year I'll also put in the finds. I like these on days I don't feel like wearing shorts, but it's still hot out.

3. and 4. Navy Shorts
I've shifted away from denim shorts to twill and chino styles. I find they are more comfortable because the material is not as thick and heavy as denim when it's hot out.

5. and 6. WHBM Shorts
The Pret a Play shorts by WHBM are a favorite of mine. The material is comfortable and I pick up one or two pairs every summer to add to my collection.

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