I had a couple of repeat outfits this week but decided to post them all anyway - that't the rules of the game I play with myself!
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I had a very busy weekend and slept in on Monday. That morning called for FFBO and I wanted to wear my white clams while it is still summer. At first I put on my silk teal tunic but at the last moment discovered a stain on it! This is what I ended up with due to emergency dressing.
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I like my denim jackets but wanted to wear something different with this skirt. This sky blue cord jacket is cropped enough for skirts and light enough for summer weather - and I have to have a coverup in the office. I was afraid that black skirt will be too heavy for a mid-blue jacket and decided to wear a white top to sften the skirt further - I guess white pattern on the skirt helps too because I liked how it all turned up. This wide black fabric belt came with my red Donna Morgan dress and it is very comfortable to wear - and have a faux snake texture!
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I need an honest opinion about this outfit. Do you think booties work here? Is full tuck works for me with these trousers? I like the soft grey of the trousers and soft purple of the shirt together. Well, trousers are actually black and white micro-check but they read like grey. What do you think - fab or drab or just meh?
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A date with my boyfriend! Inspired by Angie's post I decided to try a full tuck with this blouse - thankfully it is long enough to stay tucked. However it is not fitted so I have a bit of volume going on on top here. I am cold in the office and need a topper with a thin blouse like this. I tried my white blazer but somehow it did not sing to me. As usual I was running late so I grabbed a long grey cardigan to throw over when I sit at my desk if I get cold. It was a surprise - I liked how it looks together with a soft blouse and BF jeans! I think I found another BF jeans formula I like - soft blouse or crisp button down with a long BF or cascading cardigan. I am not a fan of cardigans but this look appeals to me. Am I crazy?
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Today was over 30C so a light dress was in order. This is another repeat outfit but coral and blue together cheer me up!
That was my week - and thanks for looking. Any suggestions for improvements are greatly appreciated - and please give me your opinion on #3!
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