I'm sorry to hear you had a bad night at work! I know from personal experience that not feeling happy about your job can really affect your attitude and life.
I think serving has its pros and cons like any job. I am a very social high energy person and I loved the challenge of keeping mass amounts of people happy in a fast paced environment because I was really good at it. having cash in hand every single day you work is nice too.
I personally would not go back to it as a full time job in place of my current job because it provides me with a lot of things I currently need in my life (non-fluctuating income, M-F 9-5, some benefits) and right now I'm really happy with where I am.
But I will say I do miss the social aspect of serving. My office tends to be very quiet and everyone here is much older than me. My husband is a chef and always has tons of fun stories and is always making new friends. But with as uncertain as the restaurant industry is I don't believe having two members of a household working in it would be the best for our family. It's the same reason why I haven't gone for several much more social jobs that have you working on commission. But I'm grateful and happy to have the job that I have because I know when I was hired I wasn't the most qualified and I have definitely learned a lot about financial planning which I'm sure will help me in the long run!
Sorry if that was crazy long (I'm typing on my phone.). Not sure if it was helpful or not, lol? I hope you find the solution that works best for you!