Not tinsel, really, but certainly a bauble collection around my neck. I was inspired by an outfit that Angie said she was going to wear to a party --- just a comment she made on someone's thread. She described a simple black t-neck covered in strands of pearls.

I've been going for more simple outfits recently, which makes me happy, but I'm trying for a look that is dripping with jewelry, but still creating a single, strong focus. Is it working? I'm looking for festive, but not hectic.

1. What I wore to a home party. I was the only woman not in jeans. I've layered three gold necklaces here and am wearing wide legs and heeled booties (it was snowy).

2/3. What I wish I wore! I've got my new skinnies popped on top of my "chesnuts roasting on an open fire" pumps, which I call my tortoise shell pumps
the rest of the year. I'm wearing a Ugandan paper necklace and two glass bead necklaces. I love the bright colors against the black. Does it read as Holiday to you?

4. To church: Finally --- an homage to Angie's pearl outfit (which I never saw, but I'm sure was amazing). I'm wearing a short three-strand, along with a single long one looped. I needed the boots and the fleecy tights, as it was 8am and only 8 degrees with snow!

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