Another whirl wind trip to the Big City in support of DS#2 doing some professional testing. (Will know the results in 6-8 weeks.) Expecting hot weather, so lighter weight bottoms than the cream jeans from last trip, which proved too warm. Lululemon OTF pants were the ticket! Sleeveless tops both days. Needed the jean jacket for the A/C on the train, but unworn otherwise.

I dipped into my dressy capsule this summer and the promoted lace tank has become a summer MVP after a period of neglect. The navy patterned button down is a firm favourite from last year, though partnering it with black bottoms is a new thing for me. The fisherman’s sandals served surprisingly well for all the city walking.

Still haven’t got packing nailed for high heat comfort in the city, but this attempt was an improvement on the first, and better than last year!

Thanks for looking!

PS: If anyone has any tips for treating ‘maskne’ please share. Near constant mask wearing in high heat and humidity has left me with sore sensitive skin.

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