Erin’s comment on today’s blog post made a reference to ‘outside clothes’. This got me thinking, and has helped me get over a hurdle regarding what I need to think about regarding future clothing purchases and style direction.

Most of the time I wear a ‘uniform’ of jeans (or shorts), with a t-shirt (9/24 tops), button down, and/or sweater. Since I’m retired, my ‘outside clothes’ could be my uniform, but instead, I prefer to ‘dress up’ - even if it’s just a little, and a long way from dressy or formal wear.

I think I’m getting an idea of what the post Covid normal is going to be like. I’m back at the gym and DH and I have resumed some social activities that occur on a predictable schedule, but we still take precautions, wear masks, and will be getting vaccinated a 4th time when we are eligible in one month.

It seems like I have a need (or desire) to ‘dress up’, even if it’s just a little, 2-3 times a week. I checked my ‘wear’ numbers, and realize that dress trousers I wore 14 times total in the last two years, have been worn 10 times already in 2022, and newer dress trousers 8 times. So, I think I need to focus on my non jeans and t-shirts clothes, do some outfit creation sessions, identify any holes, and determine how I want to round out the category that fits between casual and dressy!

WIW today to play an afternoon of cards with friends, and then go out to dinner afterwards (below) exemplifies that category that could be called ‘outside clothes.’

Thanks for looking, and for reading. Comments always appreciated. I’d especially like to know what do you consider ‘outside clothes’?

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