Jane thank you. I got to wear the KS dress on Friday for a casual work day with a denim jacket.

Fashintern, Shinjuku train station was the place where I feared I would lose DS. An average of 3.5 million people transit through the station daily, making it the busiest in the world. Our hotel was near the station and how we travelled around Tokyo, never during the peak hours when the trains are jam packed.

UmmLila, I am very fortunate that the State where I live does not have community transmission of Covid-19, so we are back at work in our office again. The coat and dress is something that I wore to the office. However, not all of Australia is so lucky.

I love that pink coat especially with the Pom Pom bag.Its very cheering to look at and we could all do with that right now.

Love these! Very Jackie O vibe in the pink coat. Beautiful and your outfits always brighten my day!

A feast to my eyes!:-)

What a lovely story for the pink coat! Win-Win as the coat suits you very well!!!

While I still like to re-examine dismissive statements like the Barbie reference I am completely agreed that on you the coat is more Jackie than Barbie and that this is because of the sophistication with which you combine your clothes.

Wow, that teal jacket is gorgeous!

I say wear the pink, it looks amazing on you!

Love those outfits, you always look so glamorous even in jeans.
My DD is always teasing me about my love of bright colors and that she will never lose me in crowds.

Cardiff Girl, you are so right, at the moment anything that makes us happy is a win.

TG, you are so lovely. What a difference having the coat compared to Jacki O vs Barbie makes!

Lyn - you made my day

Minaminu - IT is funny as normally I don’t really worry about whether how I dress is seem as maximal, because it kind of is a bit over the top, but the Barbie comment definitely hit a nerve.

Phoebe - Thank you so much. I don’t think my colleague was meaning to be unkind, but I do think she thinks (and most likely with complete justification) that I could tone things down somewhat. However I am lucky that my clients and colleagues take me and my work seriously, so there is not a detrimental impact to me from wearing a bright pink coat.

Robin - I do need to wear and enjoy the coat during my very short winter. Our weather is even now starting to warm up and the hours of sunlight letting longer.

Anchor, my son says the same to me. You look fabulous in your bright colours and we are in very good company with Angie in that respect.❤️