I missed the favourites challenge on account of having a very busy May. But if I could have participated I would have posted about my overdyed red jeans, which have gone straight to the favourites section of my wardrobe (admittedly this is a large section).

These are the jeans that inspired my word for the year: wild. They are baggy jeans with lots of patina and some distressing. They were perfect for overdyeing because the patina produces a mix of colours. The colours came out in a dark red/burgundy/black graduation.

For their first wear in their new colour I wore them to the city to have lunch with a friend from the days when I worked in an office (pics 1-2). I was going for a subversive corporate look. I wore my very old shrunken blazer that I used to wear in my office days. It has moto accents and a chevron pattern on the back. So it is a bit of a surprise package, like the jeans. (I have changed the buttons since the Finds photo.) Sling bag, ribbed merino jumper and stompy boots to complete.

As the jeans are baggy, I think they pair well with fitted tops and jackets. But when I got home I tried it with a long oversized tunic jumper from my skinny jeans days (pics 3-4). I liked this silhouette too and could see myself throwing over a coat or oversized jacket for outdoor wear (pic 5).

Love these jeans so much! Lots of fun ahead

What do you think? Has anyone else tried overdyeing their jeans? How did it go?

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