What's wrong with looking your age? Absolutely NOTHING!
I think there's a huge difference between wanting to look the best for your age vs. wanting to look a different age altogether.
I'm going to be 50 on my next birthday and I'm proud of that age - I'm happy to have gotten there! If I make someone guess my age and they say 49, why should that be a faux pas or insulting in any way? I am. There's nothing wrong with that number. Now if they guess, 60, there's gonna be trouble...
That doesn't mean I let myself go - I sitll exercise, eat ealthy, want to take off a few pounds, use moisturizer, minimal make up to enhance what I've got and have a stylish haircut (if I do say so myself).
Somewhere in the last 20 years it became undesirable to let yourself age naturally and gracefully. I think that way of thinking and how advertisers market that negativity has fed a society already youth obsessed.
On the flip side of that, there are advertisers who have young girls (13 - 16 kind of age range) modeling clothing or make up that is really meant for a grown woman. We're not built the same at all.
Bottom line is, you are the age you are - why be any different?