I wrote about my situation in detail in a previous thread (link below), but essentially I'm going to be presenting a roleplay aimed to sell textbooks to teachers for a work seminar, & am struggling to find an appropriate outfit (I've taken some example pictures, more in the comments). My dressing scenario is threefold:
~ I need to look professional enough on stage, with a blazer/ jacket (it's needed as part of the roleplay)
~ I also need to look approachable enough to talk to the teachers directly at our product stalls/ booths (when not presenting)
~ One of my bosses is having a farewell lunch (for retirement) straight after the seminar, so my outfit needs to work for that too.

Some caveats:
-An all black outfit may get lost against the backdrop on stage
-I wish I could wear a dress but I need somewhere to clip my mic pack, so separates are best
-I prefer colour lol, but know I need to be sensible with the amount of colours I use
-I prefer trousers over skiers, because my knees get cold lol

If you have any suggestions on what to wear, they would be greatly appreciated! (This is marked as urgent because I'm also packing for my Australia/ New Zealand trip now & need to know what clothes to launder & iron in advance. Plus a pipe burst & my entire bathroom needs to be replaced, so I need time to consider my options whilst stress levels run high, lol!) Anyway, thanks in advance!

(My previous thread:

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