I know what you mean. I ordered a linen top from Boden because I needed something light and breezy. I didn’t know linen could be so heavy and thick!
Linen here is thinner but still varies in weight. Too bad it isn’t labeled like sheets.

I’m still having problems dressing for very hot weather. Good luck!

Slim cat and kkards,thank you for the hat love!
Barbara Diane,glad it’s not just me finding hot weather dressing a challenge and yes Boden linen is very thick isn’t it!I think a grading system would be an excellent idea.

I like silk for summer, and really lightweight cotton knits. Peruvian Collection has really lightweight Pima cotton knits for Summer.

All my relatives live in England. I keep in touch with my aunt and cousins in Oxford. I hear about the heat from them.
Where I live in Canada, we have hot days, sometimes 30 C, but our houses are A/C, and we have the clothes for it. I wear shorts and loose tops. I go out early in the morning and later in the day.
My dog has a cold bed. It gets cold when he lays down on it. There are cold vests for dogs too. They are very popular here.

I live in a hot climate but I understand very well how it is different when your home or wardrobe is not set up for the weather. Linen and cotton are definitely the best.

Cat2 and Jaime,thank you for the tips.l do think fabric choice is important.
Style Fan,what a fabulous idea.l think cold vests and beds for humans would be a great idea!

You are stylin!

I never accomplished that even after 8 years in Florida where it hits 34 daily for several months, and reaches it often (but not daily) March-October. I wilted, and tended to wear sporty dresses with built-in bras or shorts with spaghetti strap tops, also with shelf bras. I just couldn’t stand that extra piece underneath.

I ditched most of those when we moved. It’s been hot here too recently. I’ve been wearing cotton shorts or minis, and tank tops made of silk or recycled poly, the latter in a tech knit (but loose-fitting). I’ve also worn my new linen dress a few times. I guess what I’m suggesting is the classic old fibers, possibly with one new twist (those tops are doing well so far, but I just got them in June).

I do know what you mean by tropical weight cotton. I don’t have much of it, because I rip it, or my son did. I love the look of Bijou’s lace top from Zara, wouldn’t mind adding similar to my own collection.

Now go squeeze yourself an icy glass of lemonade with mint!

ETA I’ll be first in line for BD and Style Fan’s IPOs for the fabric grading system for clothes and cool beds for humans. Also, Angie has mentioned elsewhere that her new “AC” is actually a heat pump, so thumbs up from me!

Michigan is hot and steamy in the summer but this summer, save for a couple super hot days, has been just lovely! Your whole ensemble screams cool, in both meanings of the word! I’ve taken to being a hat gal in summer do love your hat. I had a similar but it sort of disinterested from wear. I don cute wide brim hats that offer sun protection. Trying to protect my middle aged skin!
But for high summer I like dresses. Gauzy light midis mostly. I don’t wear shorts but skirts and dresses in high heat for sure

Stagiaire Fash,l agree,consideration of fibre content is definitely a priority in the heat and we all need to embrace new green tech to keep cool as well as warm so yay for heat pump A/C.l did not know it was a thing.
AndiB,thank you!You are so sweet.l do think dresses and skirts are a good idea for summer too.

Cardiff Girl, humans use the dog cooling beds and vests. Garth loves his.

Cardiff girl, I completely understand how you feel. Texas got laughed at by much of the country when it all froze over in February 2021, but like you, we don't have the infrastructure. Houses have high ceilings and big windows and a large percentage without fireplaces, power plants are totally open and designed to get rid of heat, very few snowplows even in northern cities (I've personally never seen one), etc.

Your outfit looks perfect for the weather. As you discovered, thin fabrics are key! Not just the fiber or the weave. I've been living in dresses made of very thin (nearly translucent) linen; it's about as cool as possible. Here, the swimming pools get too warm to be comfortable in the heat. It's unfortunate.

Thank you for your understanding Ginger,it’s very difficult isn’t it when the entire country’s infrastructure is not aligned with the weather.You can’t just overcome it in a day or too.l guess we are going to have to get used to this sort of thing from now on.Your dresses sound perfect for the heat

Congrats on getting dressed! No, seriously - when I was home during the 37-39C weather, I just didn't move (let alone put on any clothes). I'm glad the UK put some thought into the heatwave this time by slowing down the trains (so the railroad tracks wouldn't melt) but we've still got such a long way to go (considering this weather is only going to get worse, not better)...

I unfortunately don't have many tips (since most of my clothing for extreme heat comes from, well, abroad) but I remember touching this top from Seasalt Cornwall & being shocked that it wasn't linen (it's that thin!):

So it might be worth taking a look at their summertime offerings? Good luck - I'd also recommend investing in one of those multifunctional air units (that does hot air for heating/ cold air for cooling) if you can!

Yes it’s definitely more comfortable not to get dressed isn’t it Zaeobi!
l think that Seasalt top is very pretty. Their Larissa shirt is very lightweight as well but generally most of their clothing is British summer weight l find

Haha you're preaching to the converted as I deal with sticky humidity & a cyclone here

That's true - I think it's best to be able to touch the fabric to know for sure. Trial & error!

Ha! After I saw the pictures but before I read the story behind them, I was totally reminded of the time I was stopped to be told that I look cool and put together in the summer heat. Your outfit and accessories are perfect!

You have such flair! I wear hats for sun protection but they do not flatter me. You look fantastic in your hat, and cute casual outfit.

Well I think you're nailing it here!

Unfortunately, there's a point of heat where there's not much you can do clothing-wise ... loose and airy items, stay in the shade, fan or A/C, tons of water and slow your pace down are the only antidotes I've ever figured out! Loose dresses are the most comfortable imo when it's really sticky out.

Jules and ChristelJ ,you are both too kind!I am positively blushing,thank you.
Helena,thank you.l do agree that there is a point after which there is very little you can do clothes wise and then you should go and sit in some cold water!