No one mentioned Ralph Lauren. I have had good luck with Ralph Lauren when buying button down shirts.

I too like Ralph Lauren button downs.
Also Tommy Hilfiger for jeans that are cut for a curvy bottom and for anything navy.

Carla I shop at Marks Work Warehouse. I am wearing a pair of PJs from there right now! Mr Style Fan buys his jeans there.
I have a few pieces from Sandwich. I haven't liked their collections lately but sometimes I buy several things from that brand. I have a jacket that is ancient that is Sandwich. And then there is Stills. Of course I have an ancient Stills jacket as well.
I like Sarah Pacini and Crea Concept.
Fidelity jeans! Lots of love for them.

Well nobody much will know my brands. My 3 faves have secret sale places. Scope is NZ designed made in China, outlet store 5 minutes drive. Blackstone Clothing is the same, outlet store 5 minutes drive in the other direction. They also import some Australian items to distribute and have incredible outlet store sales.
Then there is Sabatini. It is all made in NZ tucked away in a factory in a working/partly industrialised suburb half an hour away. It is very successful in Australia. Beautiful knitwear and has been called "the baby Missoni". Every so often they have a sale at the factory which is worth the drive and then also sell at a big discount at the Designer Garage Sale, NZ Fashion Week. I have 6 beautiful items from them and am wearing a wonderful soft woollen jacket from them right now. Still expensive but such high quality, today's jacket bought in 2012, original price $550 but I paid $ 190. I think I will still wear it 10 years from now, don't think the stuff really dates. Cheaper than Missoni anyway! I would not pay the prices on the website but people do. Some of it is much too oversized and drapy for me but some is beautiful. It is nice that they've been successful for decades since about 1991 I think. The son took over the immigrant parent's knitwear factory and modernised the brand along with his sister who is based in Sydney. I hope I am not too mean not to pay full price! It is giving work to Kiwis...maybe I am mean

Will have to check out some of these. I would like to find more artisanal clothing and have yet to explore Etsy as a source. For those of you who do shop on Etsy how do you go about finding shops that you like?

I will need to check out some of these. I don't really wear button downs, as most really don't feel like my style, but DH has worn Ralph Lauren ones for years for his work.

Also, I get the shopping channels confused, but I was scrolling past one and saw something that cut aluminum foil in some container that you would keep it in, and I admit to feeling pulled to it.

Up until recently Bass outlet was one of my fav places for cotton t's, chinos, and sweaters. Last year they had really nice tincel crops. This spring I only found one sweat shirt to get. Never liked their foootwear much.

Other things from Macys Style and Co, Bandalino jeans from Stein Mart, and a few great Sonoma brand items from Khols.

I second Always Trying's suggestion of Sonoma brand from Kohl's. They seem to have reinvented this casual line recently, and I've found quite a few things I like.

I was looking at some of my labels: apparently I like MaxMara...

I got a few pieces from Poetry this year and I'm really pleased with the quality fabrics. Another one I like is Garnet Hill. I've often been tempted by Peruvian Collection too but haven't tried anything from there. I might wait until fall but I'd like to try Elizabeth Susann too.

And also Autumn Cashmere...

One of my favorite denim brands is Lucky Brand but I don't see them on the forum much. Another favorite is Rockport for shoes. I also adore a cowgirl look and own 2 pairs of cowgirl boots but don't see that style of outfit on the forum much either.

Some more brands for me to look at.

Susie - I've got a couple pieces I really like from Garnet Hill.

Lisa - I also like Lucky brand (mostly their jeans). I've recently asked them to add the brand to find availability. I'm kind of surprised not to see more of them too.

A positive note about Garnet Hill, a company that's based fairly close to where I live, and whose aesthetic I really appreciate, though their clothes aren't often a good fit for me: I recently ordered a sweater from them and promptly returned it, because the fit was SO different from how it was represented in the photos (huge and boxy in the smallest size, while in the photos it looked like a slightly relaxed but classic cut). I was surprised enough by the inconsistency to post a review, and not too long afterward I received a call from a CS rep thanking me for my input, telling me they'd passed my review on to their product designers, and offering to refund the return shipping fee. On the whole, I'd say GH is worth shopping from, even if hit or miss. And they offer Eileen Fisher bed linens, which are AMAZING.

I don't know many of the brands mentioned in the forum. I guess they are popular in North America, where I suppose the majority of you live. In Scandinavia, we have other brands, which you probably don't know.

I am not used to talking so much of brands as people do in this forum and in many other blogs. Where I live, people seldom mention brands or designers which they themselves or others wear. Good qualities are appreciated, however. And what is often commented is someone's "personal style", "good taste", "overall great look" or "clever use of colours."

If I see an outfit or an item I like - in this forum or any other place - I will just use it as an inspiration and find something similar, often at a much lower price. Funnily enough, people have often commented that I look "expensive" and "stylish" when I am wearing clothes that are thrifted, inherited and/or found at an inexpensive price.

In my opinion, knowing which styles, lines and colours work for YOU, and knowing how to style items in a way that feels and looks right to YOU, is much more important than which brands you wear.

I think you are quite right The Cat. I think certain circles in NZ talk about brands but more people don't. I look at my one favourite fashion magazine more for inspiration and ideas. Like, there is a lovely pair of grey pants in there with a seam down the front for $429. I have an extraordinarily similar pair I wear which cost $50. Why would I buy something that cost over 8 times more?

I like Helly Hansen for sportswear, gear, fleece, jackets and coats.

I like Frank Lyman and Joesph Ribkoff for dress up.

I don't think I have ever seen Helly stuff here. Perhaps it is just to gear like.

The Cat - I think you may have misunderstood the intent of my question. I don't go around mentioning the brand of my clothing or accessories in my everyday life. I mention brands or ask about them here because it can influence my buying decisions if someone else can speak favorably (or not) about the quality of the merchandise. It's a lot easier to hear other opinions if a brand works for a similar body type, or if it holds up well. It can let me know if it's a good direction to look in or choose to move past if a brand generally runs narrow in the shoulders, wide at the calf, etc.

I often have to order online to get my size. If I can't find items in store, it's very helpful to have some idea of how a brand fits or if a lot of members find it holds up well. I like WIWs for the same reason if someone is similar in shape, or even if they are opposite in shape. It leads to less returns or more consideration, depending on the feedback.

Plus, people are not only wearing a handful of brands. So they must be finding things that work for them that aren't seen here. Maybe they will work for others if they share that information.

Does anyone besides me like Maggy London wrap dresses and Dansko sandals?

Another Garnet Hill fan here -- for shoes, bags, linens, and their Eileen Fisher items. The quality of their fabrics is wonderful. I just wish the non-EF items fit me better.

BC - I don't have any Maggy London dresses, but I consider them a contender to look at. But wrap dresses almost always fit me wrong - the waist starts inches too high for me. I have worn a lot of Donna Morgan dresses, but they seem to be dwindling away online.

My favorite sandals used to be Dansko Lolita. When I'm in need of shoes next, I will try on that brand, as it's been a long time since I have.

My favorite ever skirt is from Garnet Hill. I don't fit EF stuff consistently enough to try it from GH, but I do like the look of a lot of it, and it obviously works for many. I mostly get my sheets from there too.

BTW -- Thanks for posting, this, delurked. I am excited about exploring some of the brands mentioned here that I'm unfamiliar with. It's one of the reasons I enjoy YLF so much -- learning about new brands!

delurked, I understand what you mean, and I hope you will get some useful tips.

The Cat has a good point about labels.

I am an American. I have to say I do speak fluent LABEL. I include the labels as part of the identifier when creating my wardrobe spreadsheets. I do this so that I can see instantly what I am buying, how long I am keeping it, and how it worked for me. Some labels just get me. I want to buy those labels so I shop for them now.

My wardrobe is heavy on Kut from the Kloth and Eileen Fisher. I like the fit of the Kut from the Kloth. I love the "feel" of Eileen Fisher against my skin. I shop both these labels first. If I don't find what I am looking for, then I spread out.

Great topic! I have several items from JCP (mostly pencil skirts - great quality, lined, and they fit well). Sometimes I will shop at F21 when I want something trendy on the cheap. I don't see either place mentioned very often, but I usually come away happy when I shop there.

Oh, I have several Maggy London dresses. They're great for some reason on my short-waisted self

Rachylou - maybe that brand works better for short waisted rather than my long waisted self.

I like shopping Joe Fresh. Not just because it is inexpensive and convenient (in Canada one of the major grocery chains carries their stuff).

Their fit models "get" me: the shoulders are wide enough, the sleeves long enough, the pants are usually my shape (these are NOT to be taken for granted). They use a lot of natural fibres. They tend to the augmented-basics approach that Gap used to do so well, which suits my style. A number of my favourites are from there, including a white anorak/utility jacket, a black cable-knit tube skirt, my white jeans, and innumerable Breton striped Ts.

I think Joe Mimram's style vision was a big influence (he was one of the original Club Monaco designers too, wasn't he?) and I am hoping they won't lose the edge with him gone and fly off into super trendy everything.

I also thought they handled the Bangladesh fire fairly responsibly: I think most clothing is now made in similar factories, but they took some responsibility and were pretty transparent about changes being made.

And I could buy my bras without even having to try them on, their sizing is so consistent.

Talbots outlet works for me. I like that my size is in the stores. Also the EF Outlet.

A newer one to me is Jag Jeans