Dear Fabbers,

Thinking about a new challenge we could do later. I have just read Joy’s great link about layering necklaces - it got me thinking.

I have a signature style - blazer, trousers, scarf- kind of look. Happy with it, but crave more variation. Often fall back to the favourite, easy for me, comfortable, safe formula. Want to wear more variety of my signature look using less scarves and more NECKLACES , large earrings, SKIRTS, knitted tops.... But in the end of the day, don’t actually do it.

So, my challenge would be two outfits every week implementing these “unusual” to me elements.

Do you have similar aspirations to implement some elements you already have in your wardrobe, but don’t do it or don’t do it often enough? It could be accessories, jewelry, new combinations, no jeans, more blazers, less blazers, eyeglasses, certain colours .... you name it.

Maybe, you would love the new style direction and broaden your style or not so much - maybe it would lead to an edit....

Do you think it would be a good challenge idea? Cannot come up with a name ..... Any thoughts?