I haven't been active yet either, but hope to be! I definitely have some fashion questions I will be posting about (this is very much a learning process for me). But I've already learned a bunch from reading through the forums and blog posts!

I've enjoyed the blog for several years, but now I want to check out even more photos and discussion so decided to participate in the forum. This seems like such a great community and I can't wait to take part!

i'm still new and still figuring out you look fab!!!

Hi. I'm Jess. I'm new and still figuring out my way around here. I'll poke around a bit.

Hi, my name is Regina and I am new here. My online alias is Q... I love style and fashion. I tend to like the classics, however very interested in current trends.


Hello All,

I am new to the forums, but I have been reading youlookfab for years now. I love Angie's practical and stylish wardrobe insights. I'm looking forward to becoming a part of the community.



I have been lurking for a while now. But I am currently settling in at a new job, and am in the "corporate" world, after several years of working in the community and wearing casual clothes. I'm trying to figure out how to fit in without losing myself in the process.

Hi everyone
I have loved YLF for years my favourite site

Hi! I am new here and very happy to have found a site that thoughtfully examines personal style and fashion choices in the same way I do. Thank you for a great blog and forum!

Hi! I'm a longtime lurker and love the site and the wonderful sense of community here. I'm a latecomer to fashion... some days I feel like I need to enroll in Remedial Girl 101. But I'm finally trying to figure out what I like and what's flattering and fits into my lifestyle. Angie's articles have been a tremendous help, and I'm looking forward to continuing the journey with all of you.

Hi everyone! I'm another long-time lurker.
Early thirties, office worker, currently living in the South but I'm a born-and-raised NYC woman, and it shows, or so I'm told by my Tar Heel co-workers. I love how active these forums are!

My favorite store closed a year ago. I used to get fashion advise there regularly. Your site has helped fill some of the void! I'm 55, trim, and love fashion. I struggle with questions regarding color and proportion for the most part. Another issue is culling collections and editing out styles that are too young. Just because it fits, doesn't mean I should wear it!

Thank you very much. I am Cehia and I love fashion.

Perusing & using this site is MUCH MORE FUN than just looking at & choosing clothes. Sharing likes & opinions gives it another dimension, that I can take with me to improve my shopping experiences, self appreciation, personal & creative growth & expression. I'm so thankful that Angie & other like minded individuals are here!

Hello, Hello! Thanks for the welcome.
I found this site while searching for inspiration to help me on my journey out of my early life chrysalis and into my midlife butterfly phase! I'm happy to have found a site that gives me very specific tips, and high standards to shoot for.

I love the practical style advice on your site Angie!

I'm 50s, trim and tall. I work alongside 20-something techies in the Bay Area so when it comes to fashion I want to stay current and comfortable with some style gravitas. FWIW, I have chemical sensitivity (no fragrances or fumes for me), so everything I buy I need to be able to toss in the wash to remove "new clothes smell." That doesn't stop me from working it!

I'm here for inspiration, and help planning a good wardrobe so I'll have the confidence to shop. I'm one of these women with a closet full of clothes and very few outfits. I'll buy a nice pair of pants and they will just hang there. So I hestiate to buy "quality" things. I don't like to spend a lot of time creating new outfits. My fantasy is to clear out 80% of my closet and buy a few classic, high quality coordinating pieces, great shoes and accessories (and build from there!)


Hi All

i've been religiously reading through the archives as I get my head around professional capsule wardrobes. I recently realised I was now in my 40's, am a senior executive in a role that requires lots of presentation, and I opened my wardrobe to find out that I had lots of single wear pieces but get up every morning with nothing to wear. Time for reflection and action!


I have joined this site to get ideas through which I can enlighten my fashion sense. When it comes to experimenting with clothes, I am worst.

After my third child I am now a sahm. I am trying to work on a casual but not frumpy or boring wardrobe. The funny thing is even when I worked (software engineer) I dressed casually but for some reason I am finding it more difficult now that I am home. I somehow came across the mom on the go formulas in my web searches.

I happened to stumble on this website when searching sizing information about a brand that is not available in Europe. I now might have found the Holy Grail to getting advice from others around the globe. Very excited and looking forward to interesting reads.

Wow the forums are just so active, I need to figure out how to navigate so much info! Thanks to all the generous posters.

I an a newbie here. I love this forum. I will start posting and sharing soon.

I'm new here as well! Love the blog and can't wait to get started!

Same here! I'm super excited.

I'm new here as well and looking forward to reading more.
Thank you

Really enjoying the forum and using the search function for tips/posts when figuring out how to style something. One question though, is there a way to sort the search results by date with the newest up top? I feel like I'm sometimes only seeing older posts.

I'm also a new forum member, after lurking for a few months. Several of the more recent posts strike a chord with me; for example, I often joke that I need remedial lessons on being a girl... I'm also pretty bad about buying new things and then not wearing them because I don't spend the time figuring out how to incorporate them into outfits. One of my goals is to make sure that I can make at least one outfit with every new purchase within the return period, or return it. I already have enough orphans in my closet.

Hello everyone! I have been following youlookfab for a while and just decided to become a member. I really enjoy Angie's down-to-earth, practical, and inspirational fashion advice, and such a supportive group of women and fashion lover that this community has! Looking forward to learning and sharing more about fashion and style with you all.

I really like the search features on You Look Fab. It makes it easy to find specific tops or trends such as style bootcuts, etc.

Hi! New here. So glad to have discovered your blog and forums!
