Your post proves the power in a great haircut, make-up expertly applied and the "one great blouse" - you look amazing. Had to laugh at how over time we turn into our mothers!

You have a lovely, streamlined look with your slim legs, so the loafers that draw the eye down to your feet highlights this. I really like Brooklyn's analysis about highlighting your favourite body parts when incorporating current trends, which I think you have done with success here.

Thank you ALL for indulging my weekend meltdown. I sometimes fall into a trap of self pity that is hard to get out of, and I should know better than to post when I'm in that place. BUT - I do appreciate the astute observations here about the blouse being the item that might be problematic. I'll have to see if I can find another pair of pants to wear it with as I still really love it . It's sheer chiffon and SO pretty - it just might not be my best look anymore. As to the kick crops , I've never stopped wearing them, trending or not, and I don't see that changing. I'm not the tallest person around, and i know they can be leg shortening, but honestly, I don't mind.

Again, thank you for the comments, they are very much appreciated .

Lisa, I agree with all of the others, you hit the mark with colour from head to toe. The blouse pattern is great, the problem is the length.
Could you tuck it and then blouse it a little by lifting your arms? That way, you will retain the interesting pattern it adds and maybe divert the eye from what you see as a problem. I bet no one will notice anything except how stylish you are. We need to look at our strengths.

Well,I had a discussion about this with my local boutique owner and some other customers this weekend and the conclusions regarding wider jeans were thus: I)

You have to accept that you're going to look wider; but 2) you can temper it by wearing a close fitting knit top, tucked, possibly with a dainty heel. I am pretty sure I lost you at the close knit. The boutique owner is very short and has boobs and said she wouldn't go there

I love your new haircolor! and the olive makes your eye color POP!
However it is you're feeling on any given day in your posts, I have to say, you always hit it out of the park. You always have this sort of punk-rock Pat Benatar energy, and I think this darker color really puts it out front. Two thumbs up, you look fantastic!

Lisa - I would LOVE to wear fitted tops and wide leg jeans but it means coming to terms with things I’m not ready for yet. I do , however , want some dainty low heeled sling backs and will leap on the first right pair I see !

Great outfit, and I love your darker hair color as I think it works so well with your eyes and skin tone.
I hear you in model types. I love the brands that show a garment on 2-3 different body types. It help distinguish those items that have a great fit and look across different sizes & shapes vs those where something is lost in translation. It doesn’t mean one can’t wear “ the style” but for me it might mean, not that particular brand or style in a brand, & could save on returns. It doesn’t help that so many of the rah- rah “ older models” are also tall/slim and frankly don’t look all that old— it’s like, see, she has silver/white/gray hair, so that means she’s old like you, we’re so inclusive!” (Rant)
Because I used to think it was only body shape differences but now I’m noticing some things that should still work for my body shape don’t translate as well with my “ older” visage. Of course, said visage is only going to get older ( if I’m lucky guess), so I have to avoid being in denial, however I think it has to do with some details- collars, necklines— and color palette & contrasts. And it’s so hard to find a style icon that seems to represent “ me”.
I used to be a huge pleated/ wide leg pants person and also prefer pretty fluid fits in tops. Yet as time goes on I have noticed I have to be very careful about sloppy/oversized or droopy things because I don’t have the bone structure to support it- and said bone structure is , ahem, less bony- so I look neither like the young Waifs nor the slim long- limbed types.
I’ve by no means gone to slim fits or even much tailored fits, but I have found I can sometimes tolerate slightly less camouflage — that’s tricky though, because I have my own list of confidence- busting areas, but it’s a tradeoff- to allow The Back View or to belt The Disappearing Waistline - it is what it is- order to gain some “ definition “ so I don’t dress as a blob and somehow mistakenly think that looks more stylish than allowing my shape to show.
Harder still with major feet issues & not able to juxtapose looser clothing with sharper footwear.

I wonder if it would be worth revisiting what about following trends gives you joy. If you are struggling with it right now maybe it's okay just not to do it?

I also think this book by Katie Sturino is great. I follow her and a bunch if other fat and fashionable folks on IG and it really helps me stay inspired to dress my shape in ways that I enjoy and to stop worrying about trying to look like anyone else!

Check this out!

That’s a good point Jenava . And thank you for the book recommendation . Lots to unpack there.

I haven’t read any of above comments but I know what you mean about the new shapes. I have a pair of twill? Joggers and I feel that I just look bigger/sloppier in them. I’ve decided to only wear them outside the house for walks and kids sporting events.

OTOH I often find that you look fab, even in outfits you are questioning.

Forgive me for giving advice but you are never too old to look for another job/career. I changed jobs when I was 66. I am now 68 and will be 69 in Oct. Love it and have never looked back. I am part time now and intend to work another year as long as I remain healthy.

I want Cargos but they do present a problem. How to do them so that I feel good in them. If I find the right ones I am willing to alter. I will also have to find a petite pair.

You may already do this but save some images of outfits you like and play around with elements.

In the outfit you showed. You look great. On trend. The shoes make the outfit. My new cream boots have changed up my outfits dramatically. sometimes the little things count more overall. A change in shoes accessories or hair.

Your hair looks amazing.

I'm still loving cropped kick flares, too, and these look great on you!

I am wearing mine now with boxier buttoned-up tops in structured fabrics like twill and denim, so the boxy/oversized part is up top and the curvier/cropped part is on the bottom. It feels better with my body shape and still looks fashionable, I think.

Thank you notsaf , Debbie, Barbara Diana for your thoughts. Funny how you don't notice your own clothes sometimes. Now i look back at this blouse and see that it needs other styling, if I keep it at all.

Well, I was going to put this on the thread you wrote today, about the "favorites" post. But I'll put it here.

The most stylish girl at work I know is an overweight 25-year-old who's about as tall as a man. She looks great in skinnies (now out) and wears those consistently, with combat boots or pink hi-tops. She won't even touch bootlegs or any of the baggy pants becoming popular.

There is something to be said for learning over time what works and doesn't on our bodies, and even taking barely a glance to try questionable trends. I, too, am curvy now, and so many pants don't work. If I were going to try the cargo trend on a more curvy body, I might try some that were more of a wide-leg trouser style.