
It's been a while since I have posted, mainly because my style is just tracking along - nothing particularly exciting or different. My focus has been on working and training as I am preparing for my 3rd dan karate black belt and being busy with work and family time.

I enjoy wearing skirts and on Saturday took photos of two favourites:
- Day - denim skirt worn with a lace top, just for being out and about during the day
- Night - a statement skirt, worn with a sweater to a party.

I went to a karate friend's house for dinner on Saturday night, it was a thank you to me and his trainers for pushing him along on his black belt journey. It was fun to dress up and see my karate friends and instructors in normal clothing away from the dojo and also to meet their great families. I feel very fortunate to have joined such a nice community.

Other news is that at Easter we went to Japan and spent 8 days in the snow. This was a holiday designed for DS and he loved it. It was so fun to see the delight on his face as he snowboarded. My skiing is only at the beginner level, but I really enjoyed doing something so physical when on holiday, as we spent about 5 hours a day on the slopes for 8 days in a row. Photo of us in our snow gear - I ski, DH and DS are cool guys who snowboard.