I have hectic mornings in which I squeeze my daily workouts, laundry, and some other tasks. I waste a lot of time picking my clothes daily. I certainly have better uses for that time so I have been trying to figure out if there is a quicker way for me to manage my morning routine without giving up my workouts.

When I chose my daily outfit, I probably change 3 or more times before I am happy with the result. I also sit and stew over what to wear for accessories and change them around until I like the result. This clearly takes too much time which I need for other tasks on a work day.

I am going to try to plan my outfits in advance, but I'm not sure of the best way to approach this?

For those of you who plan outfits in advance, what strategies work best? Do you do this the night before, or do you do an entire week? Do you plan a group of outfits from which you choose so you have a range of options depending on the weather, or do you have one outfit per day that you stick with regardless of the weather? How do you keep track of these outfits so you know what they are? Do you hang them together in your closet? Do you write them somewhere in a notebook or a spreadsheet? Do you photograph them? Does this system really save you time?