2 recent episodes have had people thinking I am way older than I am and I wonder if it’s the grey hair? I also have some wrinkles of course and I have never used Botox or had any plastic surgery.
The first example was very funny, it was a child in a consultation who had an unusual condition at birth which I couldn’t remember much about and I commented that it was over 40 years since I learned about that at age 20. The 11 year old boy said did that mean I was about 60 and I said yes, a little over that. And he said “Oh, I thought you were much older than that!” His mother put her head in her hands… well I thought it was very funny.
The second example was not at all funny, it was when at least 2 of the bride’s relatives particularly her mother, at my nephew’s wedding, thought I was the grandmother of the groom instead of the aunt. I’m actually 6 months younger than the groom’s mother. Now the bride’s mother was in an arranged marriage and her elder child is 31, my guess is she is in her 50s. Her hair is dark still.
I am a grandmother, but of a nearly 2 year old not a 28 year old? To be his grandmother I would have to be 88! Surely I don’t look 88?!
On Angie’s advice I did talk to my close family about this but they were all rather bemused. I decided at age 46 I didn’t want to dye my hair.
Any thoughts on how to accept this psychologically? Of course feel free to comment if you’re younger but it won’t help to just say “but you look great” or something similar because I need deeper than that. Having said that all the kind opinions over the past 6 years on the forum have been really really appreciated, I think this episode was just a bit close to the bone!
Here are recent pics with the obvious grey/white hair. It is more white at the front.

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