Well, it happened - I turned 50! I am feeling ... weird about it. I think it has more to do with my son heading off to university than 50 per se ... a lot of transitions happening this year, as I've whinged about already so I won't continue, but it has me a little off kilter still, which is ok.

We celebrated with an awesome trip to New York - my first time even though we are a short hour's flight to get there. We absolutely loved it and clocked at least 25,000 steps a day going all over Manhatten. I have a list of things to do the next time we go, but we did get a fantastic overview of the area and hit many of the touristy bucket-list items! Highlights included a very long and slow walk around the Museum of Modern Art, chatting about it all with my favourite son (DH and DD aren't as big on contemplative museum walks, so they did it quickly and headed to the shops).

My only purchase was the green t-shirt in the photo with the "State of Gratitude" logo on it - this was from a kiosk at the Chelsea Market, where the proprietor apparently launched his business during the pandemic, with some of the proceeds going to support mental health and addicition recovery (he himself is in recovery, and had friends who really struggled during the pandemic). State of Gratitude seemed like a good way to kick off my second half of the century (and yes, the goal is indeed to clock a full century! :D)

Stylewise, I am really happy with the refresh I've done - it was needed and I feel so much better for it. But now I'm a little tired of taking in trends, researching, experimenting, etc. ... I'm ready to settle back into my 'style routine' (relying on Angie's seasonal round ups to keep me in the loop without the trend whiplash of other sources).

This post is a little scattered and that's the way I'm feeling tbh! Trying to take it all in stride ... the midlife crisis is real hahah!

So grateful to all my style sisters on this group and beyond - big sisters a little ahead of me showing me how to be a 50+ with grace, style and panache ... little sisters keeping me connected with the fashionable zeitgeist ... and of course Angie, who creates this amazing space for us to connect!

Photos - featuring 3 different greens, by coincidence but in line with recent posts about the hue.

1 - DS and I at MoMA - we didn't take photos throughout, but I insisted on a selfie at the end to help me remember the day - you can tell from my smile how precious this time was to me!
2 - State of Gratitude - wrinkles and all!
3 - Off to dinner with a couple of girlfriends to celebrate 5-0 (The 4th such dinner with various and sundry friend groups - I feel like I've been spoiled for an entire month!)

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