Lisa, did you order your regular size?

Also...weren't these the ones that were so inexpensive the other day? Or is that a different pair of jeans? Sheesh. Suddenly I am SHOPPING after months of not shopping. All. Your. Fault.

Sveta, you can wear these babies without heels. You are tall enough. It is only shorties like me who will need a little heel or wedge....

You look terrific from the shoes to your hair. Agree that the sandals really make this type of jeans work. Face looks glowing too!

Melissa - Tsubo just got bought out by Ugg of all things - so this is their last hurrah. My BFF said tonight when we were out for dinner and drinks (she's a footwear rep) that my shoes had that slightly ugly but athletic interesting vibe- which I totally agree with.

Suz- no ordering happening - picked them off the display table in a size I seem to be at now, and they fit. I am yanking them up every 5 minutes, but that's what seems to happen with jeans with a stretch component. I don't care - I love them and don't depend on them fitting perfectly at my waist to start going back for another size. They seem to be similar in size to what I like at Gap, if that helps. I really should buy one of those hips belts And...happy to be a shopping enabler. I too have bought bought nothing lately. These are not the stupidly inexpensive Bay Day jeans (those I may return) but at regular price they were , I think , $89 ish,

Ah, okay, that explains it. That's the price they are now. The idea that they might have them in stock at my Bay is completely laughable; I pretty much have to do all my Bay shopping online, just like all my other shopping. Oh, to live in a metropolitan centre.

Suz - for as big as Winnipeg is, The Bay is ridiculously bad. They really need to step up their game anytime soon. You'd need a super small size- and I can't say I noticed how small they went. I'm guessing the range is 26 to 32 ish- and you'd likely be a 26- 27 ? These have a lot of give, so it depends on how tight you like them. I don't so went with my usual new bigger size - hashtag #owningit

llisap, you crack me up.

I think you nailed the proportions. This is exactly how I would wear the cropped jeans:) Long top and heels for height. Nice to see these jeans on a real person. They look fab and I think you look great.

I'm with you with the love for wedges. And no tuck or crop tops. This is a stunning outfit! New grey(!:-)) wedged sandals, cropped flares, longer top, and all! YLF!

Now that's how you wear a trend! These look great on you Lisa and I love the gray bookending with the sandals and tank. Hmmmm...might have to consider cropped flares after all...

Thanks Shannon! And nice to see you back! These are from The Bay.