Each one of these is so gorgeous. You have a great formula going here with the short tee, flowy skirt, stompy boots or sandals. The pattern mixing is artful and cohesive. Brooklyn Jnr is so sweet looking!! I just want to reach out and pet her.

Good tip, thank you Brooklyn. I was wondering if I should try removing the colour first with the rit colour remover? I think you use the overdyeing technique? I was thinking of taking the sweater below from yellow to an evening blue colour.

Merwoman, yes, good idea. I’ve used the colour remover too and it worked a treat. I think if you just overdye the sweater blue without removing the colour first it might come out green-ish (because blue + yellow makes green). Or you could try to neutralise the yellow by adding a little of the complementary colour to yellow to the dye bath (which I think would be violet). But that’s tricky! If you do just overdye, I would use lots of dye - twice the recommended amount. That gives a more saturated look and would be more likely to overwhelm the yellow. (I think.)

And thanks Sharan!

More great tips! These are greatly appreciated Brooklyn!

I looked at your pics before reading and wondered where you got your t-shirts because they're so cool! OH you MADE them! haha! Well done.
All your outfits look great mixed with the different patterns!

Impressive pattern mixing! I especially love #1, where the pattern of the skirt echoes your hair, and #7-8 because...teal!