Think I'll join Angie in polling today!
I made a comment on FIs thread about not being interested or motivated to do outfit planning. I used to take quite a lot of time trying on combos each week, and having a week's worth of outfits ready.

But, I much prefer the process of planning my wardrobe/activity capsules as a whole. I have lists, plus Finds to stay on track. Then getting dressed each day, and shopping each season takes less effort (in theory anyway).

How about you? Wardrobe or outfit planners in the house?

On the bench will be a (mostly) locally made/grown vegetarian summer feast!
Salad w hydroponic lettuce, cucumbers, bell peppers, carrots, sprouts, crunchy red peppers, marinated artichokes, feta, and rosemary dressing. Avocado toast on rosemary foccacia with paprika. And lemon ice cream with fresh blueberries