Why I always stumble on these fun threads when they are so much in full swing? Always late lately...
I agree with Inge: these threads are a solid proof of YLF rule #1 - have fun with fashion. Oh yes, there are loads of fun here for sure!
Suz, you are too sweet. At first I did not understand what you are referring too as I have not commented on this thread yet but then I realized that it was in response to another post
Angie, you are so clever to start these threads as fun questions when in reality you really push us to focus on our style personas and goals while having loads of fun...clever and tricky, Big Bossy Angie!
Now I must be off to ponder on my style persona because so far it totally eluded me...evidently I am not a bright one when it comes to labels and definitions!

Fun with fashion turns into a ball - thanks Angie:)

JJ I love dapper diva visions of Marlene Dietrich playing Charlie Chaplin. I will add it to Angie's elegant eclectic:) Thank you.

Deborah I see you as a deconstructed modern classic - you like those architectural pieces too:)

hmmm, thanks Angie. Sveta is right, you do help us refine things. In my head I aspire to some sort of mix between dramatic sophisticate and ladylike

OK, I have looked back at my WIW pics and can see the classic is very dominant. But then I like my skinnies and long tops. I am comfused. This is what I see.

jackets- love them with skitrs, jeans everything.
flats- pointy or with toe cleavage (it is the only cleavage i will ever have)
pencil skirts
funky glasses - I switch them daily
hi/low hems for tops
dressy casual (if that is possible)

What do you all think this says?

Angie, it's true--I haven't been posting many WIWs recently. I feel like the space in my newer room isn't as conducive to photographs, plus my new camera seems to take self-timed pictures pretty badly (or at least, non-intuitively).

Pic 1 is an old one, and I cringe at the jeans. But I actually wore a very similar outfit today, with better and more PPL jeans (COH Amber), the same jacket, and a different scarf.

These photos probably underrepresent some of my favorite footwear, which include knee-high boots of all sorts, and perforated oxfords during the summer.

I see some sort of cohesive style here, but I am still not quite sure what it is.

C1, your looks remind me of Modcloth or Anthro - whimsical but not twee and with lots of color.

hmm, Alaskagirl--that's interesting. I don't associate myself with Modcloth at all, since I associate Modcloth with the consciously retro look. I see the Anthro thing more Thanks for the feedback!

It's your cute coat that is reminding me of these:


Thanks, C1! Your style is very girly and it suits you to a tee. A little arty, whimsical, flirty, romantic, and classic. No hard edges. How do you feel about being an Arty Eclectic? Or an Eclectic Romantic. Or Flirty Princess.

Sveta, you can join the realms of Urban Prince if you like. Or Urban Lady Prince with Shannon - which is an offshoot of Urban Prince. My lighthearted bossy methods do have a purpose - you are on to me. Clever, Sveta

Sara L! I was actually meaning that MN Sara was a Sleek Urban Princess. Sorry about the confusion. I think of your style more as an Arty Classic. Or Arty Princess. Or Sleek Arty Princess.

Sveta, if you're not a Knight or a Prince you might be a Duke. But really, you could be a Prince...come play in the court!!

Thanks for the clarification, Angie! I don't think my style is all that well defined and I don't think of myself as particularly Arty or Urban but maybe somewhere in between - occasionally leaning one way or the other. Maybe being somewhere between Arty and Urban is a good starting point to try to clarify a direction. Classic and Princess both seem like good descriptors.

Sara L, would you like to be a Classic Princess? :). I do see arty elements coming through in whimsical ways. Your style has a playful element to it. FWIW, that's what I see.

Angie - Classic Princess by itself sounds too prim - I think Arty could work as long as I define Arty in a way that makes sense to me. Whimsical or Graphic Arty but not Santa Fe Arty which is what initially comes to mind when people say Arty - boho, crazy colors, excessive jewelry, hats, etc (maybe you have to live in this area of the country to understand my association with arty and crazy). This gives me something to think about and work from. Thanks!

Thanks for the validation Angie, it is really lovely to Know that someone else sees what you are trying to achieve.

This really has been a hugely enjoyable read.

My pleasure, Jules

Sara L, remember that I am Euro - not American - and I don't even know what Sante Fe Arty means :). Diana and Jean have very Arty styles. Amy and Caro too.

Oh wow. If I ever need an adjective, I know where to go - YLFers are full of the best descriptors! Such fun! You guys gave me lots of chuckles today!

Laura! I bestow the title of Eclectic Princess upon you.

okay, I'm not sure what I am in terms of labels... maybe a somewhat "retro - something princess". My tastes are currently changing. I like UWP but haven't done that look in quite some time (say college).

Oh, you have to get to know Santa Fe Arty, Angie. This is both an iconic style and a terrible trap.

The good side, present day, is maybe represented by Ali MacGraw.

The bad side is an overload of turquoise and silver jewelry and fetishized Native American motifs. It gets ugly with the tours to "see the Red Indian people."

Citygrl - you're a Retro Pretty Page!

Okay, Angie Urban Prince, the Eclectic Princess bows to you ... (I would curtsey but I am too eclectic for that!).

citygirldc, I love your moniker! Nice going, Suz

Nice one, Suz :). Citigirldc also reminds me of a Flirty Fun Princess. Or a Romantic Retro Pageboy.

Rachy, you can be my official US tour guide.

Laura, Urban Princes like to curtsey back to Eclectic Princesses that bow.

I will do it Angie!

Look out people! I'm coming to *your* town!

I'm sooo late to the style persona party...it's so cool to see everyone find their "place"...I guess I'm having a style identity crisis...casual minimalistic classic euro chic? Is that even possible?

Angie: thanks for the feedback! I feel like Eclectic Romantic is the most suited of all of those. I don't feel like I have a sophisticated enough artistic sensibility to be Arty eclectic (I feel like Arty Eclectic women know how to layer with sophistication, and I don't), and I am not a flirty person in life, so I can't quite claim Flirty Princess

rachylou: as usual, you are hilarious.

I've been having so much fun following this thread and the other one, but haven't had time yet to comment! I have no idea what my style descriptor would be - any thoughts? I am about as far away from UWP as one can get, I think. Modern classic down to the very molecule, no matter how much I try to "edge" up my style! Although I'm finding lately that I'm happier with my outfits when I'm just "me" and not trying to edge things up...

Great thread - rachylou you crack me up (in a good way).
I think you can always tell a great teacher by the sense of fun & laughter in their classes. Thanks Angie - see below.

Christy, there's nothing wrong with figuring out what you love and sticking with it! I read one of those leadership/self-help books a few years back, and the one thing that stuck with me is the idea that it's easier to build upon a strength than to "make up for" a weakness. There's no reason that shouldn't apply to style, either!

I'm sending you a big dose of love for modern classic looks right now!!

Also: not sure what my descriptor should be. Is it possible to be simultaneously no-nonsense (how many of you describe my outfits as) and playful (I'm often laughing when I put together an outfit)?

"Natalie, I don't find you UWP at all. You're SOOO girlie!! And full of fashion fun! Lots of whimsy in your looks too. You're Flirty Fun Princess for now."

Thanks Angie for the moniker! And I see that you've dubbed Citygirldc with it as well--I definitely resonate with her style as well, so good call! And I feel like lyn* should definitely be included in this group too!

SaraL, UWP is definitely something I've been attracted to, but I don't think it's ever going to be a main style direction. More of a shadow persona occasionally emerging in small doses like my studded satchel (which is still pretty structured and polished and probably not RATE enough for the real UWPs)!