JAileen and Barbara Diane - Please continue to follow along on the journey! I promise we'll have some fun!
Style Fan - Think about who you've admired through the years. I bet David Bowie would be interesting, and I like my friend's idea of Mark Twain. I have an idea of what my next one will be - and the person is very much living, so that will be a new twist!
Angie - You have contributed much to this project. Inspired by you, I launched my blog on your birthday last year (not Living Like Prince back then, but just writing posts). Thanks for adding the photo!
RachyLou, Liz V, kkards, Aquamarine, RunCarla - Thanks for the kind words! I see you all
Taylor, I treasure your words. Thank you!
LisaP, it's quirky and unexpected, right?
Shevia, these earrings are everything!
Gigi, fellow Minnesotan, waving to you! Isn't the Arboretum stellar? I still attend my watercolor class at the Arboretum once a week although with the project taking off, I don't get there as often as I like.
Bijou, I believe that playing the Sydney Opera House was on Prince's bucket list and that's why he made the long journey to Australia in the final months of his life. You can treasure that concert forever in your purple heart.