I've been playing around with style descriptors lately. The idea of a more coherent style appeals to me, but I'm not into wearing a uniform. Recent posts in the forum, among others from Rachylou, Angie and Unfrumped got me started on finding a proper style rubric of my own. I think a few cues to look for when I put together outfits is very useful, and I think I've found a short list that covers what I aim for at the moment:

Angie pointed out that I have a playful or arty streak to my style. I love being creative, and I love to play with ideas, to explore. Q to ask myself: Is there an playful element in my outfit?
To me, chic means stylish, fresh, put together. I also associate this with femininity. It has nothing to do with looking expensive. Q: Is my outfit chic in any way?
I prefer my style to come across as easy, effortless, approachable, not overdone. Q: Is my outfit simple?
I'm not into every trend, but I want to be current. Q: What trends, colors or silhouettes are modern in my outfit?
I strongly believe in a base of classics in my wardrobe. Q: Where is my classic base in today's outfit?

Here are a few of my WIWs lately:

Do you think this is a fitting style rubric for me? Did I forget anything, or should I substitute one or more of the words? How do you interpret these five descriptors? Any and all input is highly appreciated. Thanks for reading!