Nice pictures! You and your daughter are fortunate to have each other.

I feel privileged to be surrounded by colleagues and friends (in all ages) who are extraordinarily kind and positive. I receive compliments practically every day.

Wow that's a great outfit, you look wonderful. Cute family.

Thank you both,you are very kind.

Cardiff girl, you look lovely and your family is so photogenic. My best style cheerleaders are my DH and the members of YLF. Few things make me happier than to see DH's face light up when he really likes an outfit. YLF members are the most supportive and engaged cheerleaders not only for style but for subjects outside of the realm of fashion.

I am late here and have not read all the comments yet, but first, let me be one of your cheerleaders, because you and your family (and the food) all look delectable and lovely! Your outfit is pretty, fresh, and cozy all at once and you are just glowing in the photos!! These colours are terrific on you. The hair is feminine and pretty.

My best style cheerleaders are DH and all my YLF friends. Most of my RL friends are not too interested in style. But occasionally I get nice compliments from them also.

Those sort of low self esteem moments are horrid. How super DD is.

It looks a lovely night out, food looks delicious and it’s a super family photo.

For me DS is pretty good when DH is not around, except DS loses his patience quite quickly - DH is the best.

Nuancedream,thank you and how lovely that your DH is so thrilled by some of your outfits.
Suz,you really are too kind.What lovely things to say.lm not surprised that your DH is your cheerleader,he knows he is a lucky man to have you.
Jane,thank you ,she is and how fab that your DS is a cheerleader,not all young men would be that interested in their mum s sartorial pursuits.