kkards - I really think that it is true, to leave no retail store unturned, because you just never know where you'll find something you end up loving.
Suz - A great question about the plaid shirt. I own quite a few plaid shirts and while I adore the soft material of Rails shirts what makes this Como Vintage plaid shirt stand out in my closet is that it is not only soft and has blues in it, but also, the cut is flattering. Many plaid shirts (or any shirt really) have a straight shape to the body of the shirt. This one nips in slightly around the waist, making it more flattering on my pear shape, at least to my eye. It's less boxy which I really like.
Angie - *high five to plaid and stripe love* I've definitely learned that you never know where or when you'll find your next favorite wardrobe item, so I always keep a look out.
Jaime - Years ago, when I first joined YLF, I exclusively wore bootcut and flare jeans. I'll never give them up, although I've added many more jean silhouettes over time.
Karie - *high five for plaid and stripe love* I also like the volume with volume look from the striped sweater and wide leg jeans. It's a nice change from a form fitting outfit.
Bonnie - *high five for plaid and stripe love* They are classics that I'll always have a place in my wardrobe. Thanks for looking!