I love this look Lisa. The new top and necklace look great and the green really suits you. The proportions are perfect. Taking notes for ways of styling my crops.

(Sigh....I wish we had H & M where I live).

One word...Stunning!

Una's comment on your last point struck me too - it made me realize that I might have been editing all of the life out of my closet too! Love this solution of adding life back in through trendy pieces. The cream and green look FANTASTIC on you, by the way.

Love it Lisa! I think it's a great idea to add some fun to your wardrobe. I tend to stick with a lot of neutrals myself so injecting a bit of color always lifts my mood just a little. And green is a wonderful color on you, great with the necklace. I used to have a favorite ruby red top that always made me feel happy - I wore it to death and have yet to find a replacement that works as well as it did. I keep searching because I miss that feeling when I put it on.

Lisa, winner all around! You have the best hair style - it's looking so good. Your makeup really looks pretty.

Those shoes and that top add that fun element --sassy yet sophisticated. A balance not easy to achieve. You followed your instinct and that you can trust as these photos accurately attest.

This is lovely on you, Lisa. Love that green. It is not a call-attention-to-itself colour but puts the focus on you. I also love the new (ish) jacket.

Did you change your mind about leather after all?

So jealous that you are wearing open shoes. Yesterday we had snow here....

Amazing! You managed to accomplish your goal easily and stylishly.
Love it!

Wow you look like a million bucks...but did not have to spend it. Green is you.

Suz - still have mixed feelings about leather and haven't figured out a strategy . This jacket is a faux leather

What a fabulous color on you! It brings out the color of your eyes.