I am searching the Off-Topic for a discussion on tattoos - I feel like there was a thread not that long ago with lots of interesting thoughts. Cause, "it" has happened - one of my boys has gone and inked up his perfect body that I labored to birth! My first reaction was, like, disbelief and then a very bad primal feeling deep in my gut. The permanence of it.

I am not completely against tattoos - small, meaningful, discreet. I am definitely perplexed by the trend today to cover so much of the body. I've watched a couple of my cousins' teenage girls rapidly cover their shoulders, backs, thighs, arms, ankles and - I'm sure - a few "discreet" places in less than 2 years. (Actually I am sure - there have been Instagram pictures in lingerie to demonstrate...)

Why? Why so many? Why so fast?

My 18 year old son who is in the military and on the lacrosse team wasn't going to resist the peer pressure much longer. I get it. He had a very tough first year at the Academy and got this tattoo the last day of classes before leaving for his summer assignments. He deserves to commemorate surviving an intensely challenging year - a year full of orders, punishment, embarrassment, harassment, sleep deprivation. The tattoo is 2 words in big, bold, blue letters that are meaningful to him, about an inch high and 4" long, and it is placed on the inside of his right bicep, where it's covered - per regulation - by his short sleeve dress uniform shirt and daily work uniforms.

If this were the only one he ever got, I could make peace with it. I like the words he chose, actually. But, he's already talking about the next one.

I really just wanted to vent a little. Not judging. Well, only judging my flesh and blood! And maybe a little judgey of that pretty young girl who is- sooner than later- going to regret putting a big elephant (god of something) on that perfect thigh of hers. Time does not discriminate. I've seen it on the beach...

Love you guys!