I like tattoos, and I have two. My favorite is on my left shoulder, it's a pink ribbon for my mother who died of breast cancer, with some forget-me-not flowers, which I used to plant at her grave. When the tattoo is meaningful, I don't think the wearer will regret getting it, when it is decorative - like my second tattoo, a scroll - it could go either way (I like it, but wish it was smaller). I say, to each his own, and we all know it's what's on the inside that really counts.

Maybe because I'm not a mom (although I am a stepmom), I feel pretty neutral about this. My husband has three tattoos now, and my youngest stepson (26) has one. Older stepson has no desire for one, which is interesting since he's a musician and sound engineer, and it's so common amongst his peers in the rock'n'roll world.

I just have never really wanted one. I can't think of any design or motif that inspires me so deeply I'd want it permanently printed on my skin. Besides, I'm a wuss about pain. But to each their own! I can definitely appreciate beautifully done ink. My husband's latest tattoo was done by a spectacular artist in Portland and it has something like 200K likes on Instagram.

Ahhhh you guys, I love all of these responses, all opinions. I should have included this in my original post: this is NOT the only thing I'm struggling with right now between my boys, it was just very tangible. The one thing all the struggles have in common is me. I need to work hard to readjust my expectations and my reactions. I completely agree with all who said that these kids are adults now, and can make their own decisions. And no doubt this was done in large part for the shock factor, and the demonstration of independence.

I think the cool kids who are not getting tattoos are making their own statements, and bravo!

I actually like temporary tattoos as an artistic expression. My older son gets them from Tattly, and they are fun. I let him put "left" and "right" on the insides of my wrists and I must say, it was fun to look at that. (And very nice that they washed off). In fact, I bought both of my boys Tattly tattoos for their Christmas stockings. Ben's were traditional anchors - he put one on his bicep and one on his butt. Hey - he can decorate those cut glutes to his heart's content!

I see a lot of interesting tattoos in yoga class. Writing on the inside sides of the fingers, very visible when fingers are spread out in down dog, is intriguing and has got to have hurt on that thin skin.

That photo of CK for me? Nope. What a gorgeous man, and all I can see are the tattoos.

To each his or her own. Amen. And I hope Ben waits a long time for his next one. Amen. xo to you all (oh, i loved that story...the x. Yes, that is EXACTLY the perfect meaningful tattoo.)