(Whoops, posted from iPhone without checking--this isn't Urgent! Sorry)
Yesterday I posted a WIW http://youlookfab.com/welookfa.....ls-for-now
It hit all the notes of being weather-appropriate and having a nice springy mood.
And for me it's more pulled together than my previous fashion-depressed MO of just wearing a t-shirt and some drab jeans and sneakers.
But I had this nagging sense that grows more and more clear, that the outfit is totally ok, but not me.
The top is too brightly-colored. Something about it bugs me. Also the neckline. I bought it on eBay for a great price, so I'll wear it this season...but I'm much more sensitized to feeling like "me" in an outfit than I had thought. Particularly when I'm trying.
I'm not even sure I understand the whole range of what "me" is with clothing beyond my standard FFBOs...just that this subtle sense is very relentless when it's not quite there.